Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you choose the songs you've chosen for the site?

The song on the homepage, "My Bloody Valentine" (of Good Charlotte fame), was the song that spawned Flash, the first book in the Flash trilogy.  "Breathe No More", the live version from the Anywhere But Home album (by Evanescence) is the first song on the playlist I've started for Frozen.  "Vermilion Pt. 1" from the Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses album (Slipknot, boys and girls) is, in the words of the band, a stalker's love song.  What better tune to represent my antagonist?  Music, like snowy/rainy days, tends to inspire my best work.

For now, the site is very Flash-centric, because finishing Rhiannon's story is my number one priority at the moment, at least writing wise.  The music and the look will change based upon the project that becomes my focal point.

Where can I get a preview of Flash?

I have the first seven chapters of Flash up on my Wattpad account, and you can find the link to that on the homepage, on the left side near the bottom.  And hey, feel free to e-mail me your thoughts after, if you're so inclined!

Who designed your site?

I did!  I googled backgrounds and things, but I picked the color scheme, I uploaded the images, I made the banner that's on here.  I like doing things for myself, I think I can do a better job of executing my vision than others can.

If you're not yet published, why the fan forum?

It's never too early to have things ready.  Maybe I don't have a fanbase.  Yet.  But I am eventually going to be published, and I will have a fanbase, and from the fan's point of view?  I rather enjoy joining forums for the websites of my favorite authors.  It makes them seem more accessible.